Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Build and run EMQX MQTT broker (edge) in Raspberry PI

In the previous post, I documented the steps to build emqx MQTT broker 'cloud' version.
In this post, we will build and run the 'edge' version which is more lightweight hence more suitable for Raspberry PI.

Build emqx-edge from source code.

Follow the instructions in README in emqx-rel project.
The exact commands I executed
$ git clone -b v4.0.0 emqx-rel
cd emqx-rel && make emqx-edge
Execute this command to test if the broker can start normally:
$./_build/emqx-edge/rel/emqx/bin/emqx console
Expected log:
EMQ X Edge 4.0.0 is running now!

Start it in systemd

Move rel to your favourite location.

$ sudo mv _build/emqx-edge/rel/emqx /opt/

Make a systemd unit file for emqx service

There is a system unit file in emqx-rel project. File path: deploy/packages/rpm/emqx.service
To make it simple, update the file to
  • Run systemd service with user pi
  • Replace /usr/bin/ with /opt/emqx/bin.
$ cat /opt/emqx/emqx.service
Description=emqx daemon

ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/emqx/bin/emqx start
ExecStop=/bin/sh /opt/emqx/bin/emqx stop

$ sudo ln -s /opt/emqx/emqx.service /etc/systemd/system/emqx.service

Start it

$ sudo systemctl start emqx

Check if it's running well

$ systemctl status emqx.service

We should be able to find the expected log line:
MQ X Edge v4.0.0 is started successfully!

Make it auto start

$ sudo systemctl enable emqx.service

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Build and run EMQX MQTT broker in raspberry pi

Before start following the steps ...

You should probably know that there is official doc about how to install in variant systems. For example:
However I prefer to gain the sense of control over the install locations etc.

Install Erlang/OTP 21 or newer

There are many ways to do it. I'd recommend

Build emqx from source code.

Follow the instructions in README in emqx-rel project.
The exact commands I executed
$ git clone -b v4.0.0 emqx-rel
cd emqx-rel && make
Execute this command to test if the broker can start normally:
$./_build/emqx/rel/emqx/bin/emqx console
Expected log:
EMQ X Broker 4.0.0 is running now!

Start it in systemd

Move rel to your favourite location.

$ sudo mv _build/emqx/rel/emqx /opt/

Make a systemd unit file for emqx service

There is a system unit file in emqx-rel project. File path: deploy/packages/rpm/emqx.service
To make it simple, update the file to
  • Run systemd service with user pi
  • Replace /usr/bin/ with /opt/emqx/bin.
$ cat /opt/emqx/emqx.service
Description=emqx daemon

ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/emqx/bin/emqx start
ExecStop=/bin/sh /opt/emqx/bin/emqx stop

$ sudo ln -s /opt/emqx/emqx.service /etc/systemd/system/emqx.service

Start it

$ sudo systemctl start emqx

Check if it's running well

$ systemctl status emqx.service
Feb 04 20:37:46 raspberrypi sh[5945]: EMQ X Broker v4.0.0 is started successfully!
Feb 04 20:37:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started emqx daemon.

Make it auto start

$ sudo systemctl enable emqx.service